ACC – Living My Life

St Chads delivers two components from ACC’s Living My Life to enable self determination, build capability and support vision. Both of these components are designed to support you in your everyday life of where you live, what you do, where you go and who with.

Tailored Supports

St Chads will support you to achieve meaningful and active participation in your community. With your whānau/family, we will firstly develop a personalised support plan based around your aspirations and life roles to:

  • Support you to set meaningful goals
  • Provide opportunities to develop important relationships and connect with the community
  • Build individual skills and capabilities so you can engage in everyday life
  • Ensure you feel respected and valued as a unique person
  • Develop cultural, learning, and employment pathways

In discussion with your ACC Recovery Partner, we will then provide individual and group supports tailored to your needs, preferences and individual goals.

Facilitated Pathway Map

St Chads will support you to explore the different parts of your life and understand what is important to you. We will work with you and your whānau/family to:

  • Explore your life aspirations
  • Identify your circles of support
  • Understand your strengths
  • Articulate the important cultural practices, values, relationships and roles in your life
  • Envisage possible learning, education and employment pathways

Together, we will co-design and produce a visual map to illustrate what a good life might look like.

Phone our General Manager, Kathryn Curran, on (07) 347 8515 or contact us on the form below for more information.

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    07 347 8515


    2 Devon Street Rotorua, Rotorua, 3010
    New Zealand